Gwynne N. MacCartney
Analysis & Design
Analysis and design are the foundations of any course development. I believe strongly in thorough needs analysis, collaborating with stakeholders and subject matter experts (SMEs) to determine where learner skill/knowledge gaps may exist, before creating a design or beginning course development.
Sales Foundation Course Analysis & Design (CAD)
One of the company’s best-selling product lines was targeted for a product library launch that coincided with a major release of software functionality. Many of the courses in the existing curriculum had been created by technical resources who had no instructional design experience.
I created this CAD after a thorough review of the existing curriculum and based on discussions with the SME and stakeholders on the desired outcomes for the course. My design incorporated lesson-specific terminal learning objectives and enabling learning objectives (missing from the previous course) that would achieve the overall course goal. Based on my knowledge of the product software and SME input, I designed appropriate hands-on student exercises while considering the technical training environment requirements and the data interdependencies that would support multiple, concurrent learners for a successful training delivery.
(Logos and some references have been modified to respect company confidential information.)
Requirements for Using Document Objects in Education Course Development
Based on my experience running a year-long proof-of-concept on a previous project, I was asked to outline what would be needed if the department's IDs had access to a content repository for course development.
The outcome of these requirements led my employer's Education Leadership to begin a proof-of-concept that ultimately led to a departmental transformation from Word-based Training Workbook development to the implementation of a component content management system (CCMS) in the Education department.
(Logos and some references have been modified to respect company confidential information.)